Monday, September 9, 2019


The kids and I did homeschool this morning and history too. They love Story of the World.  During read aloud time I read part of a Saint story and a story from our children's Bible. Then everyone started on their individual subjects.  Thankfully little Moses took a good morning nap and I was able to do reading with Felicity. She is doing so well! She has started math and loves it.

After school we eat lunch. Today we had roasted chicken, bread, and apple slices.  I had a big salad and a leftover fried burger.  Then we do our after lunch chores. Eleanor still had some school to finish so she was excused from chores. But Athanasius switched the laundry and tidied the shoes and then helped with Moses. He is so good with him! Felicity and Boaz always sort the laundry in the living room. Usually Eleanor does the lunch dishes but her wrist is broken. :( I did them today while Athanasius was with Moses. She will have the brace on for at least 4 weeks.  I gave the kids leftover vanilla cake I baked yesterday, they were so happy!  Boaz and Felicity opted for gingerbread cookies we baked Sautrday while Daddy was in KC. They smell amazing! Around 12.30 I feed Moses for his second nap. Then the kids and I have our own alone times and rest time.  I set the timer for 45 minutes and everyone has to be on their beds with books. When the timer goes off they can play together until 2:30 or 3:00.  I LOVE rest time, from 1 to 3, it is so nice to be alone for a bit and recharge.  I thought I would read but instead I fell asleep. I guess I needed it! Moses woke around 2:15 and I nursed him back to sleep and held him while I read. I love holding him while he's asleep. I still can't believe he's ours. I love him so much. He is so happy and sweet. He brings so much joy to our home.  After rest time I told the kids to help put the clean dishes away and take all the meat off a chicken I roasted earlier and then we could pop some pop corn and watch Bonanza. It was so fun! They are such a blessing to me and help me with such cheerful attitudes.  Clay got home a little before 5 and did some paper work in his car in the drive way.  Dinner was roast chicken (I cooked 2 chickens one for today and one for soup later in the week) sweet potatoes with butter and fresh pineapple.  After dinner we cleaned up and then went down to the church to give it a clean.  It was fun to be working together! It is always a blessing to be at the church. I'm so grateful we get to live here.  We got home around 7:30. Clay did family worship with the kids while I got Moses to bed.  The kids had a club meeting with their best friends via video call. They are hilarious. Said our evening prayers. Ate a piece of cake myself, yum. :) Clay is beside me reading for his Saint Macrina course.  Our ordinary days are some of the best days.  We don't have to fill our days running here or there for them to be interesting.  We should be faithful in the small things.  I love being at home with my family.  Home is such a refuge from the world.  I'm so grateful I get to stay home with our children and I'm so grateful for the encouragement and support I get from my husband.

P. S. I almost forgot...Felicity got a post card in the mail from S. D. Smith today!! She had written him awhile back.

1 comment:

  1. Our girls would listen to the Story of the World CDs over and over. We got 3 volumes with 9 CDs in each, I believe, from our library. I also learned so much from them!
