Sunday, August 21, 2022

~ Daily Life~

I've been trying to take daily walks, and sometimes Clayton is able to come with me.  One day I did yoga and walked! After not feeling well for a year I am trying to move my body and get some strength back.  Little progress is still progress. :)   

Here are some pictures I took on one of my walks. 

Hanging out one night! 

So...I asked Athanasius to throw away these dull and pretty useless garden snips, he didn't, and then Boaz took them apart and made this! Super cool son but no...this scares Mom.  Spoiler...they ended up in the trash.

Pizza dough on the left and two simple bread loves. 

This was going on when I took that peaceful, Laura Ingalls Wilder pic of my bread...lovely chaos. :) 

Sometimes I can get Moses to take a nap, he still needs one but doesn't always believe me.

I just really like our room (this used to be the carport)


Moses made a bed from the box Athansius' cowboy hat came in. We thought he might sleep in this box bed one night since he loved it so much (he still doesn't sleep in the toddler bed I made him by himself, Boaz has to sleep with him!) .

This is about all I grew in the garden this year, that's ok, it just wasn't the year for a big garden.  Maybe next year! A morning glory grew up the sunflowers...improvise and overcome at its finest! 

Felicity and I put "A Girl of the Limberlost" on and we attracted a crowd.

I've been doing well with my reading goal! Reading is so therapeutic for me. 

Our days are filled with learning, homemaking, and creativity.  And we do all of this very well in what is considered a small home (1,268 sq ft).  I want to cultivate thanksgiving and a feeling of enough in our children.  We don't always need more or bigger to have a beautiful life.  


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